Wednesday, March 4, 2009



It only took me thirty years to get around to it, but I finally managed to show up for a homecoming weekend at La Sierra University where I graduated (actually a couple of times - although it was known as Loma Linda University then). This is, by the way, a great school! .

Truth be told, however, I probably would not have made it back this time had they not asked me to do something, which in this case was teach the General Lesson Study on Sabbath morning. In addition to enjoying the part of the weekend I was there for, I was reminded again that I don't do very well at keeping in touch with people as the years go by - something I would like to do better.

The lesson study turned out to be on the topic of "The Integrity of the Prophetic Gift," and because a couple of people indicated an interest in getting a copy of the presentation, I am posting a link to a copy of a slightly (but certainly not adequately) edited transcript for those who might be interested. Transcripts, of course, tend to record what comes out of people's mouths, which is not always exactly the way you would say things if you were putting them on paper to be read. But with those limitations in mind, it is what it is. Nothing particularly profound or new here, but it is available for those interested. (transcript)

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