Sunday, May 8, 2016

Not Primarily a Political Concern

While I am not a member of any political party, and have little interest in political conversations for many of the same reasons as the person interviewed in the link I am sharing below, or am particularly impressed with or persuaded by the cheap political attacks that have already begun, and which will only increase as the election season comes into full bloom, I do resonate with the concerns reflected in the interview.  Whatever one may or may not think about the political merits of positions that are taken by candidates of any party, this issues raised here are worth considering - not because information is spun to try to make a political point, but precisely because things are taken fully in context and at face value.  But whatever conclusions one might come to on their own, what is shared here is worth the time to think carefully about.

For those interested, Greg Boyd does a good job of talking about political involvement from a Christian perspective.  His comments are focused on politics in general, not necessarily those times when for moral reasons Christians should take a stance (e.g. World War II and the rise of Nazism in Germany when the church failed by not taking a position, or cases in which issues are greater than policy or political concerns.  In fact, I think he is wrong in that he misses that some positions do have political implications at times, but in that respect, he is right in what he affirms and perhaps wrong in what he denies.  Doing justly sometimes does involve supporting a political position, not because your hope is in political solutions, but because some political solutions are in harmony with - or closer to it than the alternative of -  what Jesus invites us to care about and be committed to.  In his illustration, he misses that being a Zelot as Simon was, was indeed out of harmony with what Jesus taught, even though Jesus called him.).  you can find his comments here at

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